Encouraging the spiritual growth and formation of the men of the Youngstown Diocese.

Catholic Men’s Fellowship of the Diocese of Youngstown
Men’s Conference on March 15, 2025.

You're invited to a day of growth and fellowship with dozens of other Catholic men on March 15th at John F. Kennedy High School in Warren OH. Doors open at 8:00 AM for coffee, donuts, general networking, and fellowship.

Reconciliation will be available from 8:00 am to 9:15 am, and the conference will begin promptly at 9am.

Keynote Speaker

Greg Wasinski, Founder and Director of the Faith and Real Life Initiative.

He has presented in over 120 cities, across 27 states and 2 countries. His podcasts and video blogs have been seen worldwide, inspiring others to commit more deeply to a relationship with God and helping the faithful better understand "why we believe what we believe." Before his life in ministry, Greg worked for thirteen years as a corporate executive in the marketing and golf course industries. It was God's call to leave that life behind for a vocation to inspire others to build a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Mass will be celebrated at noon with Bishop David Bonnar.

Throughout the conference, you will hear from engaging speakers on topics related to:

  • Starting your Lent out with deep encouragement from a Catholic perspective.
  • Supporting men across the Diocese of Youngstown as they deepen their spirituality.
  • Focus on explaining the meaning behind the 2025 Jubilee year as proclaimed by Pope Francis.

Music provided by Ben Walther


How much does it cost? Just $25!

To register for the event, please complete the form below.

If you are a Priest or Deacon, do not use the form below. Instead, click here to register.

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