Catholic Men’s Fellowship of the Diocese of Youngstown
Men’s Conference on March 15, 2025.
You're invited to a day of growth and fellowship with dozens of other Catholic men on March 15th at John F. Kennedy High School in Warren OH. Doors open at 8:00 AM for coffee, donuts, general networking, and fellowship.
Reconciliation will be available from 8:00 am to 9:15 am, and the conference will begin promptly at 9am.
He has presented in over 120 cities, across 27 states and 2 countries. His podcasts and video blogs have been seen worldwide, inspiring others to commit more deeply to a relationship with God and helping the faithful better understand "why we believe what we believe." Before his life in ministry, Greg worked for thirteen years as a corporate executive in the marketing and golf course industries. It was God's call to leave that life behind for a vocation to inspire others to build a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Throughout the conference, you will hear from engaging speakers on topics related to:
Music provided by Ben Walther