Encouraging the spiritual growth and formation of the men of the Youngstown Diocese.
About Us
About  CMF Youngstown
CMF is a private association of the laity operating and functioning in the accordance with the Code of Cannon Law and the blessings of the Church in Youngstown (A "lay apostolate"). The Mission of the CMF is a response to the call made by Pope John Paul II, for the new evangelization, particularly the reinvigoration of faith among Catholics.
Our mission to build the "Kingdom of God" summarized as follows:
1. To raise awareness among Catholic men that we are called to the fullness of Christian life and to perfection of charity. We are called to holiness and by doing the will of the Father in everything; we may wholeheartedly devote ourselves to the glory of God and to the service of our neighbor.

2. In theformation of conscience the Word of God is the light for our path, we must assimilate it in faith and prayer and put it into practice. We must also examine our conscience before the Lord's cross. We are assisted by gifts of the Holy Spirit, aided by the witness or advice of others and guided by the authoritative teaching of the Church. (CCC 1785)

3. The Catholic Men's Fellowship mobilizes and trains men to facilitate faith-based men's groups at the parish level and our goal is to establish a CMF group in each of the DOY parishes. These groups meet regularly to read scripture, study the catechism and discuss how God's word can be lived in their home, workplace and communities.

4. We evangelize through loving and bold words of encouragement to join us in Christ through the Church that He instituted. We evangelize also by leading a holy life; the Holy Spirit can call others through our good example.

To communicate its vision the catholic Men's Fellowship uses a rotating flywheel that consists of four parts: "Holiness>Formation>Mobilization>Evangelization".
The Principles of Fellowship Groups
"The Sharing is the Teaching and the Teaching is the Sharing"
Fellowship in groups is a bottom up rather than a top down experience. Fellowship does not depend upon structure or authority. It does not require the presence of a priest or minister in the role of teacher of spiritual director. The learning comes from the sharing of life experiences in the presence of Jesus and the light of the Gospels.

In sharing our story with others and in listening to the experiences of others, we come to know more fully who we are. The fellowship setting does not provide answers to problems it facilitates giving them over to Jesus Christ for resolution. The fellowship process helps us to focus more intently on the events of life and to see God's plan in everything. We come to realize through sharing that nothing is a coincidence.
"Your Weakness is your Strength"
In the fellowship setting we share our failures as well as our victories. We thank the Lord for our success and we ask Him to help us in over­ coming difficulties. Many men have come to know Jesus out of an experience of failure - in acknowledging our inability to cope with circumstances on the basis of our own abilities. A significant conversion experience born out of desperation is an occurrence in the lives of many men. To acknowledge human limitation and dependence upon God for everything in life is the beginning of wisdom and the start of a new creation - to be born again into abundant life.
"Your Crisis is Your Gift"
God uses all things for the good. (Romans 8:28) The education of a young man is a process in which talents are identified and developed. A personality is formed, a healthy ego grows and a measure of self - reliance is nurtured. However, if this process takes place in the absence of any significant relationship with God a "mid - life crisis" is likely to occur. For many men this crisis can be converted into a life - changing moment by giving it over to the Lord. The fellowship groups are familiar with the experience and can help men struggling with the problem to find the solution in the gift of freedom that Christ purchased for us on the cross.
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